Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pennsylvania Fun

At the end of April we took a weekend trip up to Pennsylvania.  Before going to Nana's and Grandad's house we met everyone at Hershey Park.  Although it was pretty cold (and down right freezing on the roller coasters!) everyone had a great time.  Here are just a few of the pics from our trip ... we didn't get too many as we were concentrating on hitting as many rides as possible while keeping warm.  Kenzie was so content and bundled up I didn't even want to disturb her for a pic but she was a rock star during the day and sat very content in her stroller the whole time!

After Hershey Park we went back to Nana's and Grandad's for the rest of the weekend.  Kylee was sure to pack the shirt that Aunt Laura gave her for her birthday so they could both be twins!  Talk about bright!

Grandad had to get the basketball poles out of the ground in the backyard to he was working hard most of the day.  Ryland was quick to offer a hand though and was happy to help fill the hole back up with dirt and then stomp on the dirt to get it flat again. (When Jack and Kylee saw what was going on they were ready to "help" out too.) : )


I just thought these were some great pics of the kids testing out the bubble machine they got for their birthday. (Thank Kaisers!)  They loved it and as they were screaming and yelling bubbles the whole time I just kept thinking of the guy in the fish tank in Finding Nemo that yells "Buubblllllllllles" when the treasure chest opens.  Ha! : )

Spring Songfest

Kylee had a Spring Songfest at school.  The kids marched in with their classes and sang a bunch of songs for the audience.  There were four classes participating so there was a pretty big audience.  As you can tell from the pictures Kylee had her standard "head to the shoulder shy pose" for most of the show.  The "shy tongue" was in and out too. : )  BUT she did sing every song and participate in all of the different movements that went along with the songs.  Yay!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Our Soccer Star

Kylee started taking soccer this spring.  It wasn't an offical league with games but just an introduction to the sport to help teach the basic rules and skills.  Her and Pete would go on Saturday for 45 minutes to learn from Coach Ariel (who Pete says was fantastic with the kids.)  We all had our fingers and toes crossed that first week as we weren't sure what was going to happen with our shy and apprehensive girl but it was a great success!

Pete has been reporting that Kylee has been doing a great job each week.  She listens to and follows the directions and is able to do all the different skills that Coach Ariel is teaching them.  After going through the directions for an obstacle course he asked if Kylee thought she could do it.  She shook her head and was off ... she did the whole thing! ... by herself!!  Pete said it was one of the coolest moments for him to watch her go through the course. All the parents even ended up clapping for Kylee when she was done!

We are so proud of her for breaking out of her comfort zone to try something new and realizing how much fun it is!

Kylee's and Ryland's Birthday Party

This year we decided to combine Kylee's and Ryland's birthday party and have them together. (As a side note I think we will be doing this every year!)  Party planning was going great and we were getting a lot done before the weekend.  Then things started to go downhill a bit.  

Ryland was just not himself and complaining that "me mouth and tongue hurt."  I of course thought that this meant he was getting strep throat again and continued to ask if he meant his neck.  He assured me "no momma me mouth and me tongue hurt."  I waited it out a bit and gave him meds for his temperature.  Then on Friday morning he had gotten worse so I called the doc.  We took him in to the doctors (kind of hoping for strep throat since we knew he would be better soon and would be able to take some antibiotics to help kick it).  Turns out that he had Hand Foot Mouth Disease (which sounds awful I think).  Yep he had blisters all over his tongue and in his mouth (hence the consistency of him saying that he mouth and tongue hurt.) : (  So we sent a heads-up message to all of our guests and went on with the party.

Ryland was pretty clingy the whole time (just ask Pete!) and wasn't himself but started to perk up towards the end of the day.  Overall though I think it turned out to be a good party and everyone had a good time.

The weather was great so we were able to play outside for most of the party.  The kids had a blast playing outside with the different toys and I loved seeing everyone's face as they came down the roller coaster!

Kylee was all shy when it was time to sing to her (no surprise there) but Ryland started to feel a bit better and was even smiling at everyone singing to him! : )  (I did decide that he should probably blow out a candle on a cupcake though instead of possibly contaminating the entire cake!?)

Then it was the time everyone, well Kylee, had been waiting for ... presents!  She was very excited to see what was in all of the bags and boxes.  Jack even joined us on through the magic of technology to watch his gifts being opened! : )

As you can see, Grandad was pretty tired and fell asleep while the party around him continued!  HA! : )