Another July adventure that we had was to take a trip to Gravelly Point Park. We had never been there before but have had friends go and heard that it was a lot of fun. It is right next to Reagan National Airport. As the planes are arriving and landing they fly directly over the park. Although we have heard people say (and even seen pictures) that the planes fly right over your head as they land you don't realize and appreciate how close they are until you are there. Kylee has since named this place the "Airplane Park." She insisted we take Nana, Grandad, Aunt MayMe, and Jack there when they came to visit ... they seemed to enjoy it too! : )
First we walked around to explore the different areas. We found a little path that lead down to the Potomac. All Ryland wanted to do was throw rocks in the water. Luckily, we were able to find a spot where we could hold on him and let his toss the rocks in. Kylee liked just sitting and watching the boats and planes.

Then we walked over to the field to watch the planes from a different spot. The field is definitely the best place to watch the planes as they really do fly right over your head. At first the kids were too sure what they thought of this. Kylee decided she liked watching the planes but not standing directly under where they were flying (she did start to venture out more though as the night went on.) Ryland didn't care for it at first either. Each time he heard the sound of an approaching plane he would run over to me and bury his head in my shoulder. By the end of the night though, he would stand with us and look at them go over his head. When we went back the second time, he was even clapping for the planes!
This is definitely a place that we will be visiting a lot in the future. : )
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