The last big adventure before heading back to VA was Hershey Park. Last summer we went to Knoebles but Kylee was only big enough to ride on the Merry Go Round. This year she had a lot of fun riding the kiddie rides. She rode most of them with Jack and he was such a great sport. He kept a very close eye on her and was quick to remind her, "Kywee, you need to sit down." (I apologize in advance for all the pics on this one.)
Here she is ready to start the day.

The Hershey Chocolate Factory Tour is always a hit and Kylee's favorite part was ...

... the singing cows!

She also used this ride to catch up on some sleep before heading back to the rest of the park.

Here are just some of the rides Kylee went on:
the Merry-Go-Round

the Kiddie Train

the Pony Rides (This was a favorite and she actually stayed on for three straight rides without getting out!)

the Frog Hopper (The jury is still out on how she felt about this ride.)

Kylee drove the fire truck while ...

... Jack drove the motorcycle.

Then they both drove the Police Car.

It was a great day!

And everyone had a lot of fun!
Jack had a great time with "kywee" and loved taking care of her. He cannot wait for her (and her parents) to come in for the wedding!