Tuesday, June 12, 2012

May Fun

Just some pictures of some of the fun we had in May!

We were able to visit a lot of playgrounds and found out that Kenzie is a big fan of the swings.  We also had some pool time in the backyard and a good old fashion fort in the house. : )

Memorial Day

For Memorial Day we headed out to Ashley to watch the parade.  Kylee and Ryland both remember this parade because they get candy thrown at them while they watch.  Kylee even said "and we get to go into the street without holding anybody's hand!"  Ha!  Needless to say they were very excited about it.

Here is one of the candy rushes.  Kylee was yelling to Ryland "look Ryland they are throwing candy!"  All three kids know that Tootsie Rolls are Nana's favorite and they are more than willing to share them with her.  Ryland would run back to her EVERY time he got a Tootsie Roll. : )

You know I love comparison shots so here are a couple.  I couldn't find a good group shot from 2011 but I'll add it in if I do.
Jack, Kylee, and Ryland in their matching outfits.  Memorial Day 2010

Jack, Kylee, Ryland, and Kenzie after the parade.  Memorial Day 2012

Kenzie's Baptism

We headed up to Pennsylvania Memorial Day weekend to have Kenzie Baptized.  All 3 kids have been Baptized at St. Leo's.  It has been great because it is an easy drive (well easier than the VA drive) for the Massachusetts and I think everyone that knows our wedding story will agree that St. Leos' kind of "owes" us a few Baptisms.  Ha! : )

It was a great day spent with lots of family.  Kenzie's Godparents were Aunt Amy and Jack.  Jack looked like such a little man standing up there and he was so proud of himself.  (We were all pretty proud of him too!)

Here are some pictures of the ceremony.

Kylee and Ryland sat really well for the ceremony.  Kylee was watching intently to see if Kenzie would cry when she had the water poured on her head and Ryland decided that he wasn't too interested in finding out and decided to take a little nap. : )

Even during pictures, we couldn't seem to wake Ryland up!?!

Despite the heat, Kenzie was Baptized with this shawl.  It is the same shawl that Kylee and Ryland were Baptized in.  Even cooler, it is also the shawl that I was Baptized in (and Amy, BJ, and Laura).  And still even cooler than that ... it is the same shawl that my father was Baptized in!!!!

(and she also fit into Kylee's Christening gown.) : )

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Kylee is on Summer Vacation!

Kylee is officially done with her first year of preschool.  She had a GREAT year (despite a not so pleasant first day drop off!?!) and has really shown a lot of growth in her confidence and willingness to do things with other kids.  She even had to be "talked to" for talking at her table one of the last days of school ... yay!!!! : )  She is already talking about being in the Butterfly class next year!

Here she is on the first and last day of school. : )

Truck Day

At the beginning of May we went to Herndon's Truck Day with our friends Brayden and Taylor.  We had a great time.  We had to go later this year because Kylee had school but it turned out to be great because there weren't as many lines as in the morning!  The kids loved climbing in all the different trucks.  Since they are all still pretty small we were able to fit all three "big" kids in the same trucks at the same time.  Since most of the trucks had lots of buttons and levers to push they didn't even care if they weren't the ones "driving."

Kylee decided to see if she could fit inside one of the big tires ... Ryland gave it a good effort too. : )

Kylee and Ryland driving a big rig together!  I love the serious looks on Ryland's face as if he is really watching the road. : )

Kenzie and Taylor sat in their strollers and watched as their siblings ran from car to car.  They will be up and driving in them next year! : )

A shot of all 5 kiddos!  (Notice Ryland's position ... he is about 1 second from bolting and running to the next truck!)

Just for fun ... here are two shots from last year's truck day! : )

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Sam Go Diego!

We hope you have a great birthday ... see you in a few days for your party!

Uncle Pete, Aunt Becky, Kylee, Ryland, and Kenzie : )

Kenzie is 5 Months

Kenzie's 5 months old (well almost 6 now but better late than never right?) : )

Kenzie is eating like crazy these days and loves just about everything we give her to try.  She is still unsure of the green beans and peas but I don't really blame her there.  She has been enjoying all of the fruits and even some of the meats lately.  She is also getting better at sitting on her own and all she wants to do is run around and play with the big kids.  She watches them move around her and starts to move her little arms and legs too ... some day she will figure out that she can chase after them. : )

As you can see, she was pretty excited about being 5 months! : )

Here is a comparison shot of the 3 kiddos at 5 months.  I always say that she looks a lot like Kylee did as a baby (which I still agree with) but she seems to have more Ryland in her than I thought!

Surprisingly the other two wanted to take a picture too. : )