We recently took our trips up north to visit with family. We went to Pennsylvania for a few days, headed up to Massachusetts for a bit, and then back to Pennsylvania. While we were in Massachusetts we went for our annual beach trip. In the past we have walked to the beach (carrying Kylee) looked at the ocean (still holding Kylee) and left (again, while carrying Kylee.) Kylee is NOT a fan of the sand on her feet (Honestly, I'm not a big fan either so I guess it is my fault.) So, this year we took water shoes with us and a new set of beach toys that was used for "cooking" on the beach. We got to the beach and Kylee actually wanted to keep her flip flops on. I was a little unsure of how this would go but she walked through the sand by herself! We set up the toys and it seemed like things would work out for us this year. We were actually at the beach for 2 hours!!!! This broke our previous record of 10 minutes. : )
We also go to meet the newest member of the Cookson family while we were in Massachusetts. Samuel Diego Rodriguez came by to hang out with us a lot while we were there. It was so great to meet him! Kylee calls him "Go Diego" instead of Sam!
Sam enjoyed some beach time with him mommy too. : )

Ryland, unlike his sister, had NO problems with the sand. He got right down into it and was dumping it everywhere. We decided that Kylee is like me and Ryland is just like Pete ... neither one of them could care if they have sand stuck all over them for hours after leaving the beach. Kylee and I prefer the scenery and towels while we were there. : ) There was also a huge pile of rocks near the section of beach we were sitting on. This was also a huge hit for Ryland and he loved trying to climb on the rocks.
Kylee played with her cooking set the entire time we were there. If you notice though, she was perfectly sitting on her towel so she could play with the toys and keep her body as sand free as possible. She had a great time mixing all of the ingredients together while we were there.

Kylee didn't get the water herself though. She would always ask someone else to get it for her. Well, no fear Ryland decided that he would help her out the one time. He would walk down to the water and hold the bucket in the air hoping it would fill up. : ) He finally realized that he need to put the bucket down and when he did a bit of a wave came and took him down too. Once he was up and on his feet again he went right back to it -- not phased by it at all.
Here's hoping next year's beach trip is another "record breaker." : )