We are all very excited for Christmas this year and Kylee is really excited at the idea of Santa Claus coming! We have been getting ready here at home and "counting down" the days until Christmas.
Kylee helped me decorate the tree and added the angel on top when we were all done.

She loves to have the tree turned on and look at all the ornaments. Ryland enjoys the tree too but for a different reason -- he likes to see how close he can come to ripping the ornaments off before he is stopped!? : )

This is Kylee showing the ornaments to Ryland . . . she was obviously surprised to see one of them pass by. Ha!

Every morning, Kylee moves the tree on Santa Claus count down. Nana and Grandad brought this countdown back from Ireland and Kylee has been very excited to move the tree each day. We just moved it to the first column so that was exciting. Whenever you ask her what happens when the tree gets to the top she jumps up and down and says, "Santa Claus coming!"

Kylee picked out this Rudolph windown cling the other day and we put it up in her reading corner. Ryland was asleep when we put it up but he noticed it right away when he got downstairs. He crawled right over to the corner and climbed up to see what it was.

We have another Christmas countdown upstairs that Kylee gets to do after dinner (thanks Aunt May-Me!) Every night she opens a door. This year we let her open whatever door she wants (as long as it wasn't the top star). Next year we will work on starting at the bottom and working her way up. Behind each door is a surprise. This time it was ...

... Twix!
Ryland has been getting into the holiday spirit too. He enjoys "playing" with the Little People Nativity.